This involves machining the parts making up the Right Ascension motor: motor support, reducer body, and pulleys.
The reducer will be composed of a cascade of two synchronous belt reducers, the primary belt will be tensioned by displacement of the motor, the secondary belt tension will be carried out by displacement of the primary reducer on its support. The motor will be in NEMA 17 format.
The RA motor support will consist of a plate screwed to the body of the mount, in which a groove will be made to allow the sliding of the primary reducer. It will be sandwiched between the body of the mount and the worm support.
The primary reducer was then milled. It consists of a grooved block allowing the passage of the belt.
The motor footprint in the reducer was milled with an Emco F1 CNC. The footprint is oblong to allow adjustment of the belt tension.
The secondary shaft of the reducer will be stopped by bronze stops placed on the shaft on either side.
of the pulley.
The RA axis is done. A similar reducer will be prepared for the declination.